Frequently Asked Questions

Years ago grass would grow in Interlock when the joints were not topped up with sand.

Today, polymere sand has replaced the sweeping sand to eliminate this problem.  When installed and dampened with water, Polymere sand will harden and form a hard surface that grass and weeds will not grown in and ants cannot tunnel through.

Sealing is not required to protect the surface of interlock.  It does help stop water penetration and gives a wet look if that is what you prefer.

Some driveways form tire ruts or settle by the garage doors.  This can be from improper compaction during installation, or not using the right material in the base.  Lifting a small area and doing a test hole can usually identify the problem.

You can drive on your driveway as soon as it is finished being installed.  There is no drying time like other products.

Plastic edging is not required up the sides of the driveway if a proper base is installed.  A healthy lawn is all you need up to the interlock to hold the stone in place.  If you a transition from lockstone to gravel, a concrete edging is necessary.

A 1000 square foot driveway will usually take from start to finish 5 days.

interlocking walkway